Our mission is to create a passionate, authentic, and welcoming community where students can seek, learn, and grow deeper in their relationships with Jesus. It is also a place where students can develop long lasting friendships with one another.
Sunday Night Meet Up 5:00PM - 7:30PM
APEX Youth Group meets every Sunday night at 5:00 PM upstairs in the Youth Room. This is a time of great fun as they hear the Word of God and fellowship with one another.
Pastor Cristian Lluay currently leads APEX.
Sunday School Sunday Morning 9:30 AM
APEX Youth Sunday School takes place every Sunday Morning before our Sunday Worship Service. In this class, teens work through topical studies, study God’s Word, and experience life-changing spiritual growth. This class meets upstairs in the Youth Room.
APEX Youth Sunday School is currently led by Pastor Cristian Lluay.