First Time Here?

We would love to say hello!

Welcome to Summit Baptist Church

The mission of Summit Baptist Church is to love God, to love others, and to magnify the name of Jesus Christ.We come together to worship, to serve one another in love, and to support each other through all of life’s joys and sorrows.  We seek to be a church who will make a difference in our community so that the people of Wiggins can experience the hope and love that is found only in Jesus Christ.

Sundays at Summit

Sunday School - 9:30 AM

Worship Service - 10:45 AM

APEX Youth - 5:30 PM

What to Expect

Below you will find some quick information to help you get to know a little bit about us. If you have any questions,
comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

Arrival Time

Many people arrive about 10 minutes early. This gives time to enjoy a few minutes of socializing before our services start.

What to Wear

From flip-flops to suits, we have it all. Be relaxed or dress up, we're just happy to see you.

Worship Style

We are blessed to have a talented and dedicated worship team. Our praise and worship blends modern songs with cherished hymns.

Teaching Style

Pastor Jeff Paschall is an expository preacher. This means that he preaches directly from God’s Word with a verse by verse explanation and instruction on how to apply God’s teachings to life today.

You Belong Here

Christian fellowship is essential to spiritual growth. Many aspects of our spiritual lives depend on being together with other believers to encourage, teach, serve, and share life together.

Volunteer Opportunites

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” -John 3:18

Join a Group

Life Groups are a great place to find community. Let us help you find where you belong today.

Join a Class

Sunday School Classes are a great way to grow in knowledge as you learn about God’s truth and apply it to your life.