
Grow in your walk with Christ, while connecting with others trying to do the same.

Invest in Relationships

Whether you’re a couple looking to grow their marriage, a mom seeking encouragement, a college student looking for a place to belong, or a guy wanting to study God’s word with other guys, we have something for you!

Kid's Ministry

preschool - 6th grade

Teen Ministry

6th grade - 12th grade

Women's Ministry

Men's Ministry

Sunday School

Life Groups

Loving Hands

service ministry

How to Get Involved

Christian fellowship is essential to spiritual growth. Many aspects of our spiritual lives depend on being together with other believers to encourage, teach, serve, and share life together.

Volunteer Opportunities

“Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
– 1 John 3:18

Join a Group

Home Groups are a great place to find community. Let us help you find where you belong today.

Join a Class

Sunday School Classes are a great way to grow in knowledge as you learn about God’s truth and apply it to your life.