“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” – John 15:12
The Summit Women’s Ministry is designed for women of all ages! It is a great time of fellowship and growing in Christ. Women’s Ministry events include weekly Bible studies, an annual women’s conference, and a Christmas Party.
2 Corinthians
Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians explores the meaning of the cross in terms of personal suffering–his own, and that of all the Messiah’s people. If in Galatians he is angry, if in Philippians he is joyful, in this letter his deep sorrow and the raw wounds of his own recent suffering are very apparent. Yet he is determined to view all of his suffering and all of the troubles of the world through the lens of the gospel. This study by N.T. Wright on this powerful epistle point us toward the strange comfort to be found in the suffering, death and resurrection-life of Jesus, the Lord of the world.
Last year our Women’s Ministry had an amazing time at the Living Proof Live Conference in Colorado Springs! The weekend was about going back to the beginning and back to Jesus. The Holy Spirit was there and moving! We all left feeling renewed and refreshed. We hope you can join us next year for the great fellowship at our women’s conference.